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A History of the Barclay Family, with Pedigrees from 1067 to 1933, Part III: In Scotland & England

A History of the Barclay Family, with Pedigrees from 1067 to 1933, Part III: In Scotland & England

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A History of the Barclay Family, with Pedigrees from 1067 to 1933, Part III: The Barclays in Scotland and England from 1610 to 1933. Lieut. Col. Hubert F. Barclay and Alice Wilson-Fox. Paperback, (1934, 2003), 2015, 6x9, indices, 410 pp.

This volume offers a very readable history that goes beyond the Barclay family to include discussions of political, social and religious issues of the times, as well as significant historical events such as the Thirty Years War and the American War of Independence. Discussions are grouped under: Colonel David Barclay, 1610–1686; Robert Barclay “the Apologist for the Quakers,” 1648–1690; The Urie Line, 1690–1854; David Barclay of Cheapside, second son of the Apologist; the Barclays of the Bank, 1728–1933; and the Barclays of Bury Hill, 1711–1933. A list of pedigrees, indices to names and places, and a list of subscribers augment this wonderful weave of history and genealogy.

Book #: B0860

ISBN: 9781585498604

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