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A Volume of Records Relating to the Early History of Boston [MA] Containing Boston Marriages 1752-1

A Volume of Records Relating to the Early History of Boston [MA] Containing Boston Marriages 1752-1

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A Volume of Records Relating to the Early History of Boston (MA) Containing Boston Marriages from 1752 - 1809. Record Commissioners of Boston, Massachusetts (1903, 1999), 2023, 5½x8½, paper, index, 724 pp.

This massive work contains the marriages recorded in the town of Boston from 1752-1809 inclusive, collated with the Book of Banns and additions. "Intentions of Marriage" records are divided into 1752-1761 and 1762-1809, and provide the full names of both parties, listed chronologically, and grouped by year. Marriage records for 1752-1809 list the full names of both parties, "married by" and the date of marriage. A section devoted to out-of-town marriages prior to 1800 is grouped alphabetically by location, and lists the same, with a reference to both parties’ hometowns. Marriage records for individual churches are provided for: Brattle Street Church (1752-1802), Hollis Street Church (1792-1807), Rev. Samuel Stillman (1761-1787), Kings Chapel (1752-1776), New North (1752-1797), New South Church (1752-1809), Second Baptist Church (1775-1787), Trinity Church (1752-1807) and West Church (1752-1809). Ministers and Magistrates are listed alphabetically at the close of this volume. Entries include their place of residence if other than Boston and the earliest and latest dates of marriage services recorded. A general full-name index, a Negro full-name index, and an index of places provide easy reference.

Book #: R116-H

ISBN: 9780788413414

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