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Heraldry in America

Heraldry in America

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HERALDRY IN AMERICA. Eugene Zieber. Paperback, (1909), repr. 1997, Glossary, Illus., Index, 427 pp.

This is a classic work on American heraldry, a careful elucidation of practice and principles. With chapters on virtually every aspect of heraldry, and with more than 950 illustrations in support of the text, it may be observed without risk of overstatement that the book is practically definitive. Consideration is given to flags, seals, coins, shields, crests, achievements, charges, badges, mottoes, and supporters, and to cadency, marshalling, and blazoning. There is even a helpful chapter on French and German heraldry and a fifty-page glossary of terms.

Book #: 6570-C 
ISBN: 9780806307381

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