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The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania

The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania

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The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania. Matthias Henry Richards. Excerpted from Part V of Pennsylvania. The German Influence in Its Settlement and Development--A Narrative and Critical History. The Pennsylvania-German Society Proceedings and Addresses, Volume IX. Paperback, (1899), 2001, New, 97 pp.

For anyone interested in researching or advancing their knowledge of the history or genealogy of what is commonly referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch country, this book is crucial. It discusses the original 14,000 emigrants who fled the war-torn German Palatinate for new homes in England and, ultimately, the migration of 4,000 of those individuals on to the Province of New York in America. This work further discusses and enlightens the reader with the various land disputes and unfair and poor treatment afforded these new inhabitants, and documents their actions relative to an ultimate migration to Pennsylvania.

Book #: J-R1019 
ISBN13: 9781596410190

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