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The Manrique de Lara and Hopkins Family

The Manrique de Lara and Hopkins Family

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The MANRIQUE de LARA and HOPKINS FAMILY From Spain to Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico And England to the Island of Saint Helena, a British Territory, To California, United States of America With MANRIQUE de LARA, GOMEZ (of Portugal), MEDINA, CALDERON, HERRERA, ALCARAS, LOPES, BOCANEGRA, GONZALES, DURAN, ESPARZA and LOZANO Family Ties, including 1576 Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico Founder Ancestors, And English Translation of Manrique de Lara Lineage by Don Luis de Salazar y Castro, Historia Genealogica de la Casa de Lara. by Anne Louise Manrique (2024) 326 pp.

The Manrique de Lara - Hopkins Family book details thirteen generations of Manrique de Lara descendants who resided in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico and California, United States of America from 1575 to 1976 with research connecting this branch to 515 Spain. This text highlights a Manrique de Lara branch descended from Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, founders and Hopkins ancestors with Island of St. Helena, United Kingdom, ties.

This book details MANRIQUE de LARA lineage via a translation of Don Luis de Salazar y Castro's book, Historia Genealogica de la Casa de Lara. Additionally, the text outlines Leon, Guanajuato founding settlers - Pedro Gomez, his wife, Catalina Manrique de Lara and their children, twins Baltasar & Gaspar Gomez, and Lucia Manrique de Lara - to the Manrique - Hopkins (Generation 13) branch which descended from founder Gaspar Gomez Manrique de Lara.

Additionally, descendants from GOMEZ (of Portugal), MEDINA, CALDERON, HERRERA, ALCARAS, LOPES, BOCANEGRA, GONZALES, DURAN, ESPARZA and LOZANO lines are tracked, seventy Manrique de Lara surnames (1660-1770, Guanajuato, Mexico) listed and links to co-founders of 1575 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico presented.

Book #: J-M1486

ISBN: 9781596414860

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