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The Moravians in North Carolina. An Authentic History

The Moravians in North Carolina. An Authentic History

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THE MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. An Authentic History. Levin T. Reichel. . Paperback, (1857), repr. 2012, Appendices, Index, 202 pp.

An informative history of the Moravians in North Carolina, beginning at the time of the first land grant near Winston-Salem in 1752. In addition to the history of North Carolina in 1752, the chapters provide information on Wachovia; the First Settlement at Bethabara, 1753; the Indian War, Bethania, 1759; F. W. de Marshall; Salem, 1766; Friedberg, 1772; Friedland, 1780; Hope, 1780; the Revolutionary War; a summary of Half a Century, 1803; Salem Female Academy, 1804; Indian Mission, 1801; Negro Mission, 1822; Home Mission, 1835; New Congregations, 1830; the Older Congregations, 1806-1856; List of Ministers and Other Brethren in the Service of the Province in General, and of the Salem Congregation in Particular; Ministers of the Country Congregations; and the Brethren's Unity. Following the historical narrative are four appendices: Appendix No. I, is the "First Settlers and Heads of Families." This is a list containing the names of these first settlers, and the year and place of their birth and death. Appendix No. II, is entitled, "Churches and Other Public Buildings," which provides the dates of construction or completion in the various North Carolina locations. Additionally, a full description of the new Female Academy at Salem, it's progress, and many structural dimensions. Appendix No. III, entitled, "Houses Built in Salem, 1766 - 1816," with many identifying then present day occupants. Appendix No. IV, "Additions and Notes," covers miscellaneous information, including events and persons.

Book #: J-R1272
ISBN: 9781596412729

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