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The Pension Lists of 1792-1795

The Pension Lists of 1792-1795

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The Pension Lists of 1792-1795. With Other Revolutionary War Pension Records. Murtie June Clark. Paperback, (1991), repr. 1996, New, Index, 216 pp.

Two catastrophic fires in 1800, one in the War Department, the other in the Treasury Department, destroyed the earliest Revolutionary War pension application records. These records consisted primarily of claims for relief based on death or disability suffered during the War. Nevertheless, certain pension records pre-dating the critical year 1800 survive in the form of Congressional reports, and these reports would appear to be the earliest Revolutionary War pension records extant. Four such reports have been identified and are transcribed in this work. Within each report the claims are arranged by state, giving, generally, name, rank, regiment, description and circumstances of wounds incurred, and information regarding pension, place of residence and physical fitness. With an index to nearly 4,000 persons.

Book #: 1008-G
ISBN: 9780806313184

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